Oncology admission criteria

This is a list of patient diagnoses which are admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) by our Oncology team, the timeframe in which they should be treated and their estimated length of stay (LoS).

Health professionals are reminded that this information is for guidance only.

Emergency admissions

Children with the following diagnoses are considered an emergency and should be transferred to GOSH within hours from receipt of referral.

Diagnosis Estimated LoS
Brain tumours in children under 16 years of age causing elevated pressure or haemorrhage Determined by treatment protocol
Complex palliative care Undefinable
Relapses Determined by treatment protocol

Urgent admissions

Children with the following diagnoses should be transferred to GOSH within days from receipt of referral.

Diagnosis Estimated LoS
All malignancy in North Thames Determined by treatment protocol
All under one year malignancy in south east England Determined by treatment protocol
Brain tumours in children under 16 years of age Determined by treatment protocol
Febrile neutropenic (that is unmanageable at local hospital) Determined on a case-by-case basis depending on clinical condition
Mediastinal mass Determined by treatment protocol
Relapses (non-emergency) Determined by treatment protocol
Retinoblastoma Determined by treatment protocol
Shared care complications Determined by treatment protocol

Unlikely to admit

Newly diagnosed over 12 years old, if there is a bed at UCLH.

Reviewed by Josie Dorney, Service Manager BCC, June 2021