About the Haematology and Oncology department

The Haematology and Oncology department at Great Ormond Street Hospital operates as a unified cancer centre with University College Hospital London.

Together we form the largest paediatric/adolescent oncology centre in Europe. This collaboration enables excellent patient care and an efficient and effective transition of patients between services and treatments.

The service treats approximately 450 patients each year, accounting for about 28 per cent of national childhood cancer cases.

We provide tertiary cancer care along the disease pathway from diagnosis to palliative care.

We also serve as the principal treatment centre for children and young people diagnosed with a number of different non-malignant oncological and haematological diagnoses from London and the south-east of England.

The clinical service is enhanced by exceptional clinical and translational research, whereby the new findings and benefits discovered in basic research are translated to medical practice more quickly and efficiently – moving developments from the bench to the bedside.