Tracheal information for parents and visitors

Welcome to the homepage of the Tracheal service at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

The Tracheal service is a group of health professionals that have been brought together to provide a range of expertise. The team includes specialists in ear, nose and throat (ENT), interventional radiology, intensive care, cardiothoracic surgery and physiotherapy.

Since it was formed in 2000 the tracheal service has become one of the largest and most successful services in Europe and a world leader in the field.

Common investigations

Information about common investigations carried out by the service.

Procedures and treatments

Learn about the procedures and treatments offered by the service.

Post treatment

Your child may need specialist rehabilitation after treatment. 

Clinics and wards

Plan ahead by reading about our clinics and wards.

Patient stories

Read about some of the inspirational children treated by the team.

Parent support group

Find out about a parent support group (please note it does not provide expert clinical knowledge). 

Meet the team

Comprehensive staff list from the service.


Listings of the department's research and publications.

Contact us

Details on how to 


the service.