Our strategy: Above and Beyond

To help us shape our hopes for the future, patients, families, staff and partners told us what they think of Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH): what we do well, what we could improve and what we should do more of.

Our exciting 2020 to 2025 strategy is the result of that helpful advice. It will help us concentrate on things which make the most difference to our children and young people, families and staff.

Read our strategy

Download the Above and Beyond: hospital strategy 2020 (1.5 MB)

Making our hospital out of this world by 2025

We’ve discovered what will make the most difference to our patients and staff and have set ourselves six ambitious programmes of work to deliver better, safer and kinder care and save and improve more lives

We want GOSH to be an incredible place to work, so we’ll invest more in the wellbeing, education and development of our fantastic staff.

By putting the patient at the centre of our thinking, we will deliver a Future Hospital programme which will transform outdated pathways and processes.

We’ll improve and speed up access to urgent care and stay one step ahead by developing virtual technology so care can be accessed both in and out of the hospital.

We’ll develop the GOSH Learning Academy to help staff learn and thrive as they care for our patients.

When conducting research into rare and complex conditions, we’ll involve everyone to help speed up the development of new treatments and cures.

And to help care for children with rare and hard to treat cancers, we’ll build a new Children’s Cancer Centre, a space with state-of-the-art facilities.

Our principles

Underpinning these areas of work are six principles which will guide our planning, our decision making and our day-to-day work:

  • Children and young people first, always
  • Values-led culture
  • Quality and Safety
  • Financial strength
  • Protecting the environment
  • Partnerships

People Strategy

Our people are the head, the heart, the hands and the face of GOSH. They make us who we are and allow us to do extraordinary things. We value and respect them individually and collectively for who they are, as well as what they do. As a Trust we are committed to ensuring all our people are well led and well managed, but also supported, developed and empowered to be, and do, their best work.

In 2019, we published our first People Strategy. This updated version builds on the legacy and work of the original, but sets it within our current context, which post COVID-19 has become more complex and challenging. As with the original, the purpose of this People Strategy is to bring together all of the people management issues and related activities to provide visibility, but also to ensure that they are aligned, coordinated and focused on delivering the current and future priorities of the Trust, alongside our commitment to our people.

Download the GOSH People Strategy 2023 to 2026.