Composition of the Council of Governors

There are 27 elected and appointed governors on the Council of Governors.

18 governors are elected by patients, their carers and families and the public; 5 governors are elected by staff, and four governors are nominated by stakeholders such as the local authority, commissioning groups, or other organisations.

In late 2021, we began the elections process to appoint a new Council of Governors to represent our members plus the constituencies they come from and we are pleased to announce that the results are in! Our new Governors began their official appointments on Monday 1 March 2022.

A Summary of the Council Governors by Constituency

Breakdown of the patient constituency

Patient constituency Number of governors
Patients from London 3
Patients from Home Counties 2
Patients from Rest of England and Wales 1

Breakdown of the Parent/Carer constituency

Parent/Carer constituency Number of governors
Parent/Carer from London 3
Parent/Carer from Home Counties 2
Parent/Carer from Rest of England and Wales 1

Breakdown of the Public constituency

Public constituency Number of governors
London 3
Home Counties 2
Rest of England and Wales 1

Breakdown of the staff constituency

Staff constituency Number of governors
Members of staff who hold a permanent contract or a fixed-term contract of 12 months or more 5

Breakdown of the appointed governors

Appointed governors Number of governors
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health 1
London Borough of Camden 1
Young People's Forum 2

Staff Governors

All eligible staff will be members unless they choose to opt out. Staff members elect five governors to the Council of Governors.
The role of staff governors is to provide a strong staff voice in the statutory roles of the Council and to help to develop strategy and direction. Staff governors will not replace the well-established negotiation on staff pay and conditions with our Staff Side unions.

Appointed Governors

By law, we are required to have governors appointed by the following organisations (one from each organisation):

  • London Borough of Camden - to reflect the interests of the local community
  • The UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health - as our partner in research and education, this is a central relationship for us.

In addition, the following group appoints two governors:

  • Young People's Forum - representing patients aged 10 - 21 at GOSH