Good Hope Works

As an arts programme we often celebrate our diverse patients and families, but rarely celebrate the diversity of our staff.

When the idea was first suggested, we knew we needed someone very special and sensitive to realise it. We wanted a concept that made a strong statement of inclusion, but wasn’t obvious or literal. Something that truly involved and reflected the breadth and variety of Great Ormond Street Hospital’s (GOSH) wonderful staff, but made it clear what unites us in uncertain times.

Joanna Brinton’s beautiful work does just this. On her journeys around the hospital, following people in their daily tasks, Joanna gained an intimacy and understanding of how this venerable institution works behind the scenes. What happens backstage, as it were.

Deftly weaving the verbatim words of staff from across the hospital, she translated these interactions into a series of artworks that make a simple but strong impact; clear, but understated. Some situated in staff areas, for internal eyes only. And a flag, proudly flying on Great Ormond Street for all the world to see.

Read Joanna's publication:

Good Hope Works booklet (0 bytes)