Meet the Play team

Key members of the Play department at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) include:

Head of Department

Sallyanne Pitt
Head of Play Services

Deputy Head

Erin Hanna
Deputy Head of Play Services - Lead for Play Specialists

Amy Sutton
Deputy Head of Play Services - Lead for Play Workers

Sian Spencer-Little
Deputy Head of Play Services - Projects and Programmes

Blood, Cancer and Cells

Senior Play Specialists

Alanna Rudd
Senior Play Specialist for Lion, Elephant and Giraffe wards
Monday - Friday

Amy Lloyd
Senior Play Specialist for Fox and Robin wards
Monday - Tuesday

Play Specialists

Lily Cooper
Play Specialist for Safari ward
Wednesday - Friday

Claire Gillman
Play Specialist for Safari ward
Monday - Friday

Holly Pettipher
Play Specialist for Pelican ward
Monday - Friday

Cat Norris
Trainee Play Specialist for Fox and Robin wards
Monday - Friday

Play Workers

Amy Crowley
Play Worker for Fox and Robin wards
Monday - Friday

Ben Harman
Play Worker for Lion, Elephant and Giraffe wards
Monday - Friday

Cardiac Services

Senior Play Specialist

Kirsten Black
Senior Play Specialist for Bear and Flamingo wards
Monday - Friday

Play Specialists

Cheryl Sterling
Play Specialist for Walrus ward
Monday - Friday

Play Worker

Caitriona Brennan
Play Worker for Bear and Flamingo wards
Monday - Friday

Endocrinology, Gastroenterology and Metabolic Medicine

Senior Play Specialist

Jenny Dyer
Senior Play Specialist for Squirrel ward, Kingfisher ward and Gastro Day Care
Monday - Friday

Play Specialist

Rosa Clayden
Play Specialist for Kingfisher ward
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Francesca de Magistris
Trainee Play Specialist for Kingfisher ward and Gastro Day Care
Tuesday - Friday

Play Workers

Jodie Allard
Play Worker Squirrel ward
Monday - Friday

Denise Thew
Play Worker for Kingfisher ward
Monday - Friday

International and Private Care

Senior Play Specialist

Emily Stone
Senior Play Specialist for Bumblebee ward
Monday - Friday

Play Specialists

Caroline Allen
Play Specialist for Butterfly ward
Tuesday - Friday

Chloe Smith
Play Specialist for Butterfly ward
Monday - Friday

Claudia Monteiro
Play Specialist for Caterpillar ward
Monday - Friday

Kimberley Millar
Play Specialist for Hedgehog ward
Monday - Friday

Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care

Play Worker

Katie Holl
Play Worker for Dolphin and Seahorse wards
Monday - Friday


Senior Play Specialist

Charlotte Holt
Senior Play Specialist for Eagle ward
Monday- Friday

Play Worker

Zoe Parkyn
Play Worker for Eagle ward


Senior Play Specialist

Lily Hearn
Senior Play Specialist for Koala ward
Monday - Friday

Play Specialist

Isabel Standley
Play Specialist for Koala ward
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Play Worker

Siobhan O'Reilly
Play Worker for Koala ward
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


Senior Play Specialist

Janet Holmes
Senior Play Specialist for Hippo, Rabbit and Zebra Outpatients and Sight and Sound Centre
Monday - Friday

Play Specialists

Helen Story
Play Specialist for Falcon Outpatients
Monday - Friday

Jessica Price
Play Specialist for Hippo, Rabbit and Zebra Outpatients
Monday - Friday

Play Worker

Vicky Karanja
Play Worker for Hippo, Rabbit and Zebra Outpatients
Tuesday - Friday

Psychological and Mental Health Services

Play Specialist

Emily Carr
Trainee Play Specialist for Owl Ward and Mildred Creak Unit
Tuesday - Friday


Senior Play Specialist

Denise Cochrane
Senior Play Specialist for Radiology
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Play Specialist

Katie Carr
Play Specialist for Radiology
Monday - Friday

Play Worker

Jodie Corse
Play Worker for Radiology
Monday - Friday


Senior Play Specialist

Lizzie Penn
Play Specialist for Leopard Ward and Kangaroo ward
Monday - Friday

Play worker

Sarah Tremlett
Playworker for Leopard and Kangaroo wards
Monday - Wednesday


Senior Play Specialists

Sasha Morris
Senior Play Specialist for Sky ward
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Romy Benedetti
Senior Play Specialist for Woodpecker/Nightingale wards
Monday - Friday

Play Specialists

Lucy Sophocleous
Play Specialist for Chameleon ward and Urodynamics
Monday - Wednesday

Jade Sanders
Play Specialist for Panther ward
Tuesday - Friday

Play Workers

Lucy Mitchell
Play Worker for Sky ward
Monday -Thursday

Evette Couder
Play Worker for Panther ward
Monday - Friday