Clinics and wards used by the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Unit

Coming into hospital for a bone marrow transplant (BMT) procedure can be a frightening event for a child and an anxious time for their families. There are three highly specialised wards at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) where children who are waiting for, or who are having, a BMT are looked after.
Fox Ward is located on Level 5 of the Variety Club Building (VCB) and has 10 beds, which are all cubicles with a bed for the child, a bed for one parent and a bathroom. Children are nursed in strict isolation to protect them from infection while their immunity is lowered.
Robin Ward is also located on Level 5 VCB, and has 10 beds, which are cubicles, that can be used as isolation units. Two of these beds are allocated to children who are having either a BMT, gene therapy or thymic transplant.
Butterfly Ward is located on Level 4 of the Octav Botnar Wing. It has four BMT cubicles and caters for patients from overseas.
An Introduction to the stem cell team and tour of the department
The BMT unit also runs an outpatient clinic at Great Ormond Street Hospital on Wednesday mornings. This is for new patients, and for follow-up post transplant. This takes place on Safari Ward, Level 9 of the Southwood Building.