Resources to support EDI activity

Everyone has a responsibility in implementing this strategy and creating an inclusive research culture. There are a few key roles who will lead on the actions listed above.

An EDI coordinator jointly funded by UCL GOS ICH, GOSH Research & Innovation (R&I) and the NIHR GOSH BRC (£100,000 contribution each over five years) has been in post since January 2022. The EDI Coordinator will coordinate the implementation of the action plan.

An EDI Lead will be appointed to drive EDI activities within the NIHR GOSH BRC and CRF, funded by GOSH R&I. They will lead on the development of the strategy and influence strategic change.

Operations staff within the NIHR GOSH BRC and NIHR GOSH CRF will be key contributors in supporting the implementation of the action plan.

Members of the NIHR GOSH BRC Science Board and CRF Board will review and monitor the governance of this strategy.