
We know we use a lot of acronyms and technical terms. Here you'll find an alphabetical list.

BRC: Biomedical Research Centre

CRF: Clinical Research Facility

CRAC: Clinical Research Adoptions Committee

CYP: Children and Young People

DRIVE: Data Research, Innovation and Virtual Environments unit

EDI: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

eYPAGnet: European Young Persons Advisory Group Network

FT: Foundation Trust

GenerationR Alliance: GenR

GOSH: Great Ormond Street Hospital

GOSHCC: Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity

GOSH DEN: GOSH Digital Engagement Network

GOSH GOLD: GOSH Online Learning and Development

GLA: GOSH Learning Academy

HRA: Health Research Authority

MRC: Medical Research Council

NIHR: National Institute for Health and Care Research

NIHR CYP MedTech: NIHR Children and Young People MedTech Co-operative

NIHR RDS: NIHR Research Design Service

ORCHID: Centre for Outcomes and Experience Research in Children’s Health Illness and Disability

PEI: Paediatric Excellence Initiative

PCAG: Parent and Carer Advisory Group

PPI E: Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement

R&I: Research and Innovation

RCPCH: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

RDAG: Research Data Advisory Group

SMT: Senior Management Team

ToR: Terms of Reference

UCL: University College London

NIHR UCLH BRC: University College London Hospitals

UCL GOS ICH: University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

UCLP: UCL Partners

GOSH YPAG: Young Persons’ Advisory Group for research

GOSH YPF: Young People’s Forum