
The Occupational Therapy team provide an inpatient and outpatient service to Rheumatology at Great Ormond Street Hospital.  The occupational therapists are available to answer your questions and to offer support to local services that may require additional information regarding your child's needs. This is to ensure continuity in care.

Inflammatory musculoskeletal service

The Occupational Therapist will explore ways in which your child's illness has affected their ability to participate in everyday activities such as going to school, playing, completing their self-care and helping with household chores.

The team provides a service to inpatients and outpatients with conditions such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), lupus (SLE) and scleroderma.

The service initially focuses on assessment of your child's functional skills, followed by a tailored intervention programme and liaison with local services and therapy teams, schools, and/or wheelchair services.

Areas of assessment and intervention may include hand function, splinting, self-care skills, school re-integration, joint protection advice, pain management, play and leisure skills, pacing and energy conservation.

Non-inflammatory musculoskeletal service

The Occupational Therapist will examine your child's ability to manage daily functional tasks and their understanding of the nature of their condition and the impact this has on participation.

Children with conditions such as chronic joint pain, upper limb weakness, joint hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome are provided with an outpatients service to assist them in their ability to perform various daily activities.

The service aims to enable children to self-manage their condition so that they are able to live a full and active life. This approach promotes the development of young people’s function, independence and empowers them to develop self-management and coping skills. 

Areas of assessment and intervention may include hand function, self-care skills, handwriting and school participation, joint protection advice, pain management, play and leisure skills, pacing and energy conservation.