
The occupational therapy team has a wide and varied role within the cardiorespiratory team.

For babies and young children, this may include neurodevelopmental assessment, play and positioning, provision of or recommendations for seating, buggies or other home equipment for activities such as bathing.

For older children, occupational therapy input is based around functional needs. Following surgery or prolonged hospital and ICU admissions, children are often not as able to participate in their daily living activities. We will work with you and your child to maximise their skills and functional potential during this stay. This may include provision of specialist equipment e.g. seating, wheelchair, bathing or toileting; upper limb assessment, splinting and/or regular therapy sessions working towards specific functional goals.

Thinking about discharge from hospital, the occupational therapist will work with you to ensure your home environment is safe for you and your child. This often involves liaison with local services for provision of further equipment or therapy services.