Parents and visitors
Welcome to Great Ormond Street Hospital
Video of Welcome to Great Ormond Street Hospital video from YouTube
If the video is not showing, please watch the Great Ormond Street Hospital Welcome video on YouTube
Coming to hospital
All the information you need about coming to hospital, including information for outpatients and inpatients.
Travelling to GOSH
All the information you need to find your way to GOSH. Maps, route planning, directions and more.
Wards and admissions
Details about wards and admissions, including ward facilities, staff details and visiting times.
Advice for when you stay
From video guides to information on preparing for theatre, read our advice for when you stay.
Advice for when you leave
Advice for when you leave hospital, including sources of support and advice for the transition to adult care.
Clinical support services
Find out more about the clinical support services available to our parents, families and patients.
Giving feedback
Help us improve our information for patients and families. Here you can feedback your comments and raise concerns.
Getting involved
There are lots of different ways you can get involved in supporting Great Ormond Street Hospital. This section is full of ideas to get you started.
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