Neurosurgery information for parents and visitors

Welcome to the homepage of the Neurosurgery Department at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

About us

More information about the Neurosurgery Department.

Clinics and wards

Plan ahead by reading about our clinics and wards.

Meet the team

Comprehensive staff list from the department.

Clinical outcomes

Learn how we measure our treatment effectiveness in the Neurosurgery department.

Getting referred

Details on how you should make the referral to the Neurosurgery department.

Neurosurgical observership

Find out how to apply for a placement in the Neurosurgery department.


Find out about the Neurosurgery Department's research.

The Children’s Gamma Knife Centre

Find out about this groundbreaking centre

Contact us

Details on how to contact the department.

Network for children who need neurosurgery

Find out how we're working with Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.