Examples of opportunities

Volunteers photo

At Great Ormond Street Hospital we have more than 60 different volunteer opportunities across a range of exciting roles, from working directly with patients and families to assisting with reception and administration.

Please note: All weekday volunteers complete a probationary period (of 50 hours - approximately three months) in the role of GOSH Guide - helping patients, families and visitors find their way around the hospital. The selection of roles below is just an example of the range of roles in the hospital and may not be currently available. We ask you to be flexible in the types of roles you might be interested in.

We do not recruit volunteers directly into a specific role and it is only through your probationary period do we match you to the role that suits you best and that is available.

Patient Experience Support

This volunteer role is to support the hospital in obtaining feedback from patients and their families more frequently regarding the experience that they have while attending GOSH, using handheld electronic devices to obtain information.

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Radio Lollipop Volunteer

The main responsibility of a Radio Lollipop volunteer is to provide care, comfort, play and entertainment for sick children in the hospital to consistently high standards.

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A photo of Liz and Bailey together, on the soft play area of the Disney Reef at GOSH. Bailey is a Bernese Mountain Dog. They are sat together on the floor, with Liz smiling at the camera. Liz wears her bright yellow GOSH volunteer jumper.

Therapy Dog Volunteer

For registered Pets As Therapy (PAT) Charity dogs and owners, this is a wonderful service that brings in trained dogs for patients and families to interact with.

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Ward Based Roles

We have a number of volunteer roles that are based in wards and work directly with patients and their families. These roles are allocated to experienced volunteers who have completed their probation period and have the right skills and understanding of th

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Weekend Club Activity Team

In this role, volunteers help run the activities, arts and crafts, games, play and entertainment in the Activity Centre and on wards

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