Simulation Passport

16 Mar 2018, 3:03 p.m.

The simulation passport is a personal development document used by student nurses at GOSH to keep track of their learning experiences involving clinical simulation. Developed by Eddie Adair and Alex Bull, it is emphasised as not being for the purpose of assessment, instead existing to form part of a portfolio and to aid students in interviews.

The pages of the passport invite the student to practice many subjects and to repeat these practice sessions on different dates, having each practice signed off by a supervisor, to reinforce the learning.

The passport stays with a student for the duration of their three-year pre-registration time, allowing them to review all of their simulation-based learning at a glance. It also encourages students to reflect on their learning experiences with the aid of the Gibbs model of reflection – a tool calling for description of observations, descriptions of feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan for the next time this scenario is encountered.

The passport was introduced at the start of this academic year and students have responded well to its introduction. The passport has also been well-received by the universities who send students to GOSH and by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.