GOSH Global Connections

Global connections main image

The PGME team is pleased to introduce the Global Connections service to prospective International Medical Graduates who are moving to the United Kingdom. This service will provide a contact point with international doctors currently working within the hospital, which is envisioned to promote a smoother transition for the prospective International Medical Graduates.The medical expertise and culture of Great Ormond Street Hospital is known to attract doctors from a multitude of countries. This offers us the opportunity to exchange information and knowledge and enables us to create links that cross borders. Any international move is bound to be met with challenges and even some uncertainty. The Post Graduate Medical Education department wishes to assist in facilitating a smoother transition in to this hospital, and what better way than to use our greatest asset – the doctors who have previously made this transition – to impart their knowledge and help answer their questions.

Should you wish to take part in Great Ormond Street Hospital’s International Medical Graduates Global Connections Service, please click on a country below, to get in contact with a doctor from your corresponding country. If your country is not represented below, please choose any country you feel would be the most useful to your situation.

The links below will open an email addressed to our department, which should be used to introduce yourself. You will subsequently receive an email in reply linking you to one of our current doctors from that chosen country.

List of Countries represented within the Trust as of 22/5/2017:

Argentina France Kenya Portugal United Arab Emirates
Austria Germany Latvia Romania United Kingdom
Bangladesh Greece Lebanon Russia
Barbados Hungary Lithuania Slovakia
Belgium India Malaysia South Africa
Brazil Indonesia Malta Spain
Canada Iraq Netherlands Sri Lanka
Denmark Ireland New Zealand Sudan
Egypt Israel Pakistan Switzerland
Finland Italy Poland Uganda