GOSH Conference 2020 - Our People • Our Patients • Our Hospital

4 Dec 2020, 10 a.m.

Our 4th annual GOSH conference was run virtually and delivered successfully by the GLA team on Friday, 20th November.

The themes of this year’s conference were Our patients, Our people and Our hospital.


We had over 547 participants logged onto our conference. The day started with inspirational talk from GOSH’s YPF Governor Miss Grace Shaw-Hamilton, followed by RCPCH President, Prof. Russell Viner. The morning sessions went on to cover a broad width of topics around wellbeing, Culture Intelligence, Guarding our reputation, and much more. The day finished with ‘Green Hospital’, presented by Dr Nicholas Boyd, Consultant Anaesthetist, Bristol Children Hospital and Nick Martin, Sustainability Lead.

Congratulations to our Oral presentation winner Ms Helen Mercer and Digital poster winner Mr Dulanka Silva and their teams. We accepted a total 116 abstracts which represented a huge diversity of works have been done by our people and they will be published on the Archive of Childhood Disease.

Thank you all who have attended the conference and all the internal and external speakers who have made the day Informative and fabulous

GOSHConf_Keynote Speakers

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