Pre-registration simulation

16 Mar 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Clinical simulation staff treat mannequin

Pre-registration or 'pre-reg' simulation is used to enhance and develop students’ skills within a supported simulated clinical environment with common clinical scenarios.

We aim to promote emotional resilience and develop their essential skills that will enable and easier transition from student nurse to staff nurse. Our scenarios and simulation work focus on practical skills, communication, team work, delegation and time management.

The department is aiming to establish a robust curriculum in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Pre- Registration Standards. The Clinical Simulation Centre (CSC) runs a number of scenarios such as: Sepsis, Anaphylaxis, Post-operative care, Opiate overdose, Aspiration pneumonia, Epilepsy and febrile neutropenia.

The curriculum has fundamental objectives for each year in regards to teaching. First year students are expected to recognise the deteriorating child. Second years are expected to recognise and respond to the deteriorating child. Third year students are on the cusp of becoming registered clinicians and therefore the expectation is higher as they need to recognise, respond and manage the deteriorating child safely and effectively. This is mapped to the Pan London Practice Assessment Document.

We facilitate the sessions in situ on the ward or in the Clinical Simulation Centre (CSC). Peer assessment and debriefing are used as integral learning tools to ensure that students receive an enriched learning experience. The simulation classrooms provide a safe and controlled learning environment, enabling students to ask questions and enjoy the experience without the pressures of assessment or feeling self-conscious. The CSC strives to ensure students extract something new from each session. Clinical simulation provides an environment where students may rehearse their skills thus promoting clinical confidence and competence ensuring patient safety in practice.