Panther Ward

Panther Ward cares for children and young people having ear, nose and throat, plastic surgery or urology operations.There are 24 beds, including four high dependency care beds for children and young people needing close monitoring and nursing care, perhaps due to their condition or following an operation.
Twelve of the beds are in a single cubicle with en-suite bathrooms and space for one parent to stay. The rest of the beds are in three shared bays of four beds – each bed space can closed off for privacy – with its own accessible toilet. There is also a fully accessible bathroom with hoist facilities on Panther Ward.
Panther Ward is on Level 6 of the new Premier Inn Clinical Building (PICB), part of the Mittal Children’s Medical Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
020 7829 8825 (for ENT and plastic surgery queries) or 020 7405 9200 extension 5113 (for urology queries)
Who you will meet
Panther Ward is mainly run by our team of nurses, who work closely with the doctors to care for your child. Other staff who work on the ward include discharge coordinator, physiotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, healthcare assistants, a play specialist, dietitians and housekeeping staff.
The following members of staff will be available to help you during your stay on the ward:
- Matron: Lesley Nelson (ENT and Plastic surgery) and Claire Waller (Urology) * Ward Manager: Sandra Owusu-Sekyere (ENT and Plastic surgery), Farhana Patel and Niamh Meyler (Urology)
Conditions we treat
Children and young people staying on Panther Ward have various conditions and procedures including:
You are a valued member of your child‘s healthcare team and we encourage you to take part in his or her care as much as possible while in hospital.
Meals are not provided for parents, but food and drink can be bought from various places within the hospital and local area. You may want to bring in your own snacks and drinks. Parents are welcome to use the beverage bay shared with Bear Ward.
Panther Ward has a play room for children and also a separate one for older patients. There is also a sensory room, which has been designed to meet the needs of children with complex needs, their brothers and sisters and families. The play and sensory rooms will continue to be supervised by our play specialist during office hours but you will be responsible for your child and their brothers and sisters at other times.