Bumblebee Ward

Bumblebee Ward has 18 single en-suite patient rooms with a bed for parent.

It cares for children from birth to 16 years of age who require care from a wide range of clinical specialties.


Bumblebee Ward is on Level 5 of the Octav Botnar Wing. It is part of the International and Private Patient Service. 


Bumblebee Ward nurse’ station: +44 (0)20 7829 8649

Inpatient administration: +44 (0)20 7829 8115 or 8577

Service fax number: +44 (0)20 7829 8635

Case Manager: +44 (0)20 7829 6716 or 7090

For urgent admissions outside of office hours please call the switchboard on +44 (0)20 7405 9200 and ask for the doctor on call for Bumblebee Ward or CSP.

If your child has any additional needs, please call in advance to let us know.

Who you will meet

Bumblebee Ward is primarily run by our highly qualified nursing team but also includes consultants, clinical nurse specialists, physiotherapists, healthcare assistants, play specialists, psychologists, dieticians and housekeeping staff.

Your child’s consultant, supported by a team of specialist doctors, has overall responsibility for their treatment and care. They will review your child regularly and answer your questions.

The International and Private Patients Service also has its own consultant-led, ward-based team of doctors who see patients every day. They act as a link between the child’s consultant, nurses and you. They will also be able to answer many of your questions.

  • Interim Matron: Laura Graham
  • Ward Manager: Tom Kennedy

Conditions we treat

Bumblebee Ward treats patients from all over the world with the most complicated, and often life-threatening, medical and surgical conditions.

Our patients range in age from newborn to 16 years old, although most are under eight.

If you would like to speak to someone about your child's admission please contact our Case Manager on +44 (0)20 7829 6716 or 7090.

Bumblebee is a multi-specialty ward. For more detailed information on a specific area of expertise, please visit Clinical specialties.


Learn more about our clinical specialties by visiting the main Hospital Website and following the links.


You are a valued member of your child's healthcare team and we encourage you to take part in their care as much as possible while in hospital.

We ask parents are ready in the morning to help care for their child. Early each morning there is a daily ward round, led by a team of doctors and nurses, and it is important that you attend these. During this time your child’s condition will be assessed and important information around treatment will be communicated to you at this point. We also ask that you are an active participant in your child’s hygiene needs – a nurse will discuss this with you.

Each ward has a parents' kitchen where food can be reheated only, not cooked from fresh. Bumblebee provides breakfast, lunch dinner and an afternoon snack to the parent who is resident with the child.

Food in the refrigerator must be dated and labelled with the stickers provided. This helps us keep track of out-of-date items and make sure they are thrown away.

There are shops and cafes in the hospital for parents, children and visitors to buy refreshments, including snacks and hot meals. Raw food must not be cooked in the kitchen.

Free tea and coffee, biscuits, bread and cereal are all available in parent’s kitchen.

Laundry facilities (a washing machine and tumble dryer) are provided free of charge. There is no need for detergent or fabric conditioner as the washing machine dispenses these automatically. Operation instructions are provided in the laundry. Please speak to the housekeeper if you need any assistance. Please do not wash and dry clothes in your child’s rooms.

Each room has its own bedside entertainment centre, which gives access to television stations, games and music. We can receive various English-language channels plus Arabic and Greek channels.

You can use your mobile phone inside the hospital but only in designated mobile-friendly zones. Using your mobile elsewhere could interfere with our medical equipment. There is WiFi available on the ward.

Interpreting Support

We provide a 24-hour telephone interpreting support service for all languages. Arabic Interpreters provide an interpretation and translation service for families and patients. They are based on the ward and will help you settle in.

The Trust also uses The Big Word for families needing an interpreter. It is available 24 hours a day. If you need to use The Big Word please ask one of the nursing team for the contact details when you arrive.

Interpreting hours on the ward:
7:30am–8.00pm Monday–Friday
7.30am–8.00pm Saturday
8.30am–4.30pm Sunday (and Bank Holidays)

More information

For more information about facilities available for parents, family members, visitors and patients in the hospital, including the Chapel and multi-faith room, hospital school, activity centre and information on where you can eat or find facilities such as launderettes, please visit our Facilities A-Z page.