Referrals to the Feeding Disorders Team

Patient Keya having her height measured

Referrals for the Feeding Disorders Team should be sent in writing to Dr Elaine Chung, Locum Consultant Psychiatrist. We are unable to accept GP referrals. Referrals are accepted from CAMHS clinicians or consultant paediatricians. We always aim to work with local professionals for your child’s care. If the child is over the age of five and not known to local CAMHS, we will liaise with local CAMHS colleagues where it is indicated.

We can occasionally accept referrals of young people aged 17 (please contact the Service Co-ordinator if you are considering making such a referral).

In children and young people with complex medical histories or current medical conditions, any on-going symptoms, such as vomiting or constipation, should be managed and settled and the feeding/eating difficulty over and above that normally expected.

We are a primarily a mental health team and not an emergency medical team. If you are worried about your child’s health or their weight or feel they are at significant risk due to not eating, please take any steps you would usually take, for example, taking them to A&E. The Feeding Disorders Team does not have an inpatient unit, and does not replace local A&E or emergency services.

We see children and young people across the full spectrum of cognitive abilities, to include those with learning disability, pervasive developmental disorders, and autism spectrum disorder.

We are unable to accept referrals of:

  • infants with faltering growth requiring medical management
  • children and young people with a current medical condition (to include oral motor functioning) that directly accounts for their feeding or eating difficulties
  • children and young people with unmanaged oro-pharyngeal dysphagia (swallowing difficulties). If you wish to consider referring a child with known managed dysphagia please contact the Service Co-ordinator
  • children and young people with anorexia nervosa and related presentations are seen by the Eating Disorders Team as part of our Feeding and Eating Disorders Service

If you would like to discuss a referral or receive a copy of our referral criteria please contact our Service Co-ordinator or see this PDF (204 KB).