Safari Day Care video transcript

In our Safari Day Care video, Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) patient George takes a tour of the ward. Watch the video and find out more about Safari Day Care, or play it on YouTube. The video transcript is below.

George, patient and narrator: “There are many wards at Great Ormond Street Hospital, each helping children in different ways.

“My name is George and I’m going to show you around Safari Day Care.

“Here children are treated for lots of things, like cancer or blood disorders. Children com here for treatment and go home the same day.

“I came here when I was five because I had a tumour in my tummy.

“First you arrive at reception and check in. Hello!”

Receptionists: “Hello George.”

George: “A health care assistant will see you to measure your height and weight and do your observations, like your heart rate.

“There are 19 beds on this ward just like these ones here. You will have a bed here for the day.

“One of the team will come and see you and talk about your treatment.

“This is Ray, one of the Senior Staff Nurses.

“So Ray, what do you do in this room?

Ray (Senior Staff Nurse): “So in this room we get all the medication from downstairs we get it all mixed up just like we have here and give you your treatment either in here or by your bed.”

George: “Thanks Ray!

“While you wait for your treatment there’s a kitchen for mum and dad to make a drink or a snack.

“I love it here - I like to make lots of noise

“After your treatment you can go home. If you and your family need to stay the accommodation office can help you. You might come back to Safari for follow up.

“You can find Safari Day Care on level 9 of the Southwood building.”