Specialty Training
The specialty training education team at the GOSH Learning Academy delivers a portfolio of training across multiple workstreams. The aim of the specialty training education team is to raise the profile of these areas of practice, improving the knowledge skills and aptitude of healthcare professionals.
We provide a holistic approach to learning and development, equipping healthcare professionals with transferrable skills to deliver safe, evidence based patient care.
Our educators work collaboratively to deliver specific training across the different workstreams e.g. safeguarding and learning disabilities deliver Safeguarding for Non-Verbal Children training.
Learning Disabilities and Autism Education
The Learning Disabilities and Autism education team offer bespoke training on topics such as behaviours of concern, reasonable adjustments, eating challenges, autism awareness and simulation-based teaching on learning disabilities.
For more information or to discuss training offers tailored to your needs, please contact:
Infection Prevention and Control Education
Infection Prevention and Control for Children and Young People (Academic Module)
Me First Communication
Me First is an award-winning education and interactive, online training resource, that helps health and social care professionals develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in communicating with children and young people and supports shared decision making.
- Me First Fundamentals
- Me First Advanced Communication in Child and Young Person Centred Care
- Me First Conversations about Transition
- Me First Conversations about Safeguarding Concerns
For more information or to discuss training offers tailored to your needs, please contact:
Mental Health Education
The Mental Health education team offer courses and bespoke training on topics such as anxiety, clinical holding and an introduction to children's mental health.
- Introduction to Children's Mental Health
- Mental Health and Psychological Development of Children and Young People (Academic Module)
For more information or to discuss training offers tailored to your needs, please contact:
Palliative Care Education
The Palliative Care education team offer courses and bespoke training on topics such as symptom management, communication, advanced care planning, end of life care, ethics and decision making and after death care.
- Foundations in Paediatric Palliative Care
- Paediatric Palliative Care (Academic Module)
For more information or to discuss training offers tailored to your needs, please contact:
Safeguarding Education
The Safeguarding education team offer courses and bespoke training on topics such as safeguarding legal orders, parental conflict, making a local authority referral, professional curiosity, having a difficult conversation and child safeguarding practice reviews.
- Safeguarding Concerns: How do I start the conversation?
- Me First Conversations about Safeguarding Concerns
- Safeguarding Children Workshop: Protecting Children and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse within the Family Environment
For more information or to discuss training offers tailored to your needs, please contact: