General medical conditions

Use the search box to learn about general medical conditions that affect children and young people.

Click here for information about specialist medical conditions, which are treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Pectus carinatum

This information from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) is about pectus carinatum (also known as pigeon chest). Pectus carinatum is a condition in which, instead of being level with the ribs, the breastbone (sternum) is ‘pushed out’ so that the middle o

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Perforated ear drum

The ear drum is a thin piece of tissue that separates the middle and inner ear from the ear canal. The outer ear (the part you see) collects soundwaves which travel down the ear canal. These soundwaves make the eardrum vibrate. This vibration is transmitt

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Polio is an infectious disease caused by any one of the three types of polio virus. In the UK, immunisation is automatically offered to everyone as a baby.

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Raynaud’s phenomenon

Raynaud’s phenomenon is a fairly common condition characterised by an exaggerated reaction to cold temperatures. It mainly affects the hands and feet but can also affect the nose, ears and lips. Raynaud’s phenomenon is named after the doctor who first des

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