General medical conditions

Use the search box to learn about general medical conditions that affect children and young people.

Click here for information about specialist medical conditions, which are treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

‘Resistant bugs’: antibiotic resistance and multidrug-resistant organisms

This page explains about 'resistant bugs': antibiotic resistance and multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and why this has become a worldwide public health issue. It explains how these organisms are passed on and how they can be treated. It also explains

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Swine flu

Swine is another word for pigs. And swine flu is actually a type of flu which pigs get.

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The tonsils are areas of tissue on both sides of the throat, at the back of the mouth. Children's tonsils help them to build up immunity and fight infection. In many children, the tonsils become repeatedly infected with bacteria and viruses, which make th

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Tooth abscess

A tooth abscess is a collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection. It can form on the inside of the tooth (a periapical abscess) or the surrounding gum (a periodontal abscess).

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Tooth decay

Tooth plaque is a sticky layer of bacteria (germs) which coats the teeth. When the bacteria in plaque react with sugar (from our food and drink), it produces acid. The acid causes decay or ‘cavities’ in the teeth.

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