Questions for your doctor

It's really important that you feel confident and ready to transition from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to adult health services. Preparing some questions for your doctor is a great way to do this. 

We asked some other young people what they would like to know about transitioning to adult health services to help prompt you.

  • Are there any questions I should ask of my new doctors and nurses?
  • Who can I call for help in a medical emergency out of hours?
  • What are my nutritional needs and who do I need to share them with?
  • What if I don't get along with my new doctor in adult health services?
  • Can you help me understand my medical card before I leave GOSH?
  • Can we keep in contact once I have transferred to adult services?
  • How will my condition affect me in the future? This might refer to fertility and the genetic implications of your condition, driving regulations or insurance issues. 
  • What are the main differences between doctors specialising in children and those specialising in adults?
  • Who can I talk to if I'm unhappy with my new doctor?
  • How long does the transition process take?
  • When will I move to my new hospital?