Real stories

Hear from patients and their families as they share their experiences of coming to Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Catheterisation using a Mitrofanoff by David, 25

David has various urological conditions and had a major operation to fit a Mitrofanoff catheter when he was eight years old. Now in his twenties, he shares his experience of his time at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

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Getting ready to move to adult services by Alice, 19

Alice, 16, shares her thoughts about moving to adult services and the treatment she'll receive in the future.

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Getting ready to move to adult services by Jack, 16

Jack has been coming to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for about a year. He's already spoken to his clinical nurse specialist about moving to adult services and what it involves.

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Growing up with microtia by Bethan, 18

Bethan was born with microtia, a condition where an ear is too small or absent. Microtia is often paired with other conditions, in Bethan’s case hemifacial microsomia, which means there is underdevelopment in one side of the face, resulting in facial asym

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I have long QT syndrome by James, 21

In 2008, James, a promising young tennis player, had a cardiac arrest while training. He went on to be the first patient at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to be fitted with a subcutaneous defibrillator.

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