UCL GeneTxNeuro Vector Core Facility

UCL GeneTxNeuro Vector Core Facility

The UCL GeneTxNeuro Vector Core Facility is funded by the NIHR GOSH BRC.

The scope of the Facility is to provide access to a state-of-the-art vector production laboratory for research-grade viral vector batches. The UCL team has extensive expertise in developing gene therapy products and will provide expertise and support for new and established researchers wishing to produce and use these tools.

The users will be guided and advised through all the steps of process, from construct design to in vivo applications.

This platform provides the opportunity to learn how to produce customised viral vectors to researchers who do not have experience with gene therapy or do not have access to specialised equipment.


GeneTxNeuro Facility

UCL School of Pharmacy

Room 507

29-39 Brunswick Square

WC1N 1AX London

Dr Giulia Massaro