Young People's Forum (YPF)

YPF Welcome Banner

Get involved and help us improve Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for teenagers by joining our Young People's Forum (YPF).

We are the Young People’s Forum, representing patients and siblings aged 10 to 21 years old at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

We have a strong voice in helping to improve the experiences of teenage patients who are treated by GOSH. We get to voice our opinions and make suggestions on a range of topics and issues. We use our own experiences to guide and support the hospital.

The forum was created to make sure that GOSH isn’t just seen as a ‘Children’s Hospital’ – young people need to be represented too, and that’s why the Young People’s Forum is so important!

Who can become a YPF member?

Any current GOSH patient or sibling aged between 10 to 21 years old.

When do YPF meetings take place?

Meetings are held six times a year, usually on a Saturday 10am-4pm.

2023 Dates:

Saturday 16 December

2024 Dates:

Saturday 3 February

Saturday 13 April

Saturday 6 July

Saturday 14 September

Saturday 14 December

How do I join?

To find out more, or to join, email us at with the following information:  

  • your name
  • your age
  • whether you're a current patient or sibling of a current patient
  • where you're based
  • any specific areas that interest you or ways you'd like to be involved

As a YPF member you'll have lots of opportunities to learn, and be recognised for your contribution to the YPF and GOSH. Our members can include YPF activities on their curriculum vitae (CV) or university applications. You'll build lots of new skills such as how to speak with decision makers and interviewing skills.