Having Difficult Conversations: Navigating Uncertainty, Hostility and Loss in Healthcare

Nurses in discussion

14 Feb 2025 10 a.m. to 14 Feb 2025 4 p.m.

Clinical Simulation, GOSH Learning Academy Events

Great Ormond Street Hospital

In this course, we’ll draw on real case examples of recent difficult conversations you’ve had, share them confidentially and practice conversational skills using these conversations as a starting point.

You’ll sign up to a day of training plus two further one hour online sessions, in which each member of your small group will have the chance to bring a recent difficult conversation they’ve had as material for discussion and learning. In this way, the course will seek to convey the merits of embedding case-based discussion into everyday practice.


We’ll provide a grounding in the theories and techniques that underpin an effective approach to difficult conversations We’ll formulate psychologically the interpersonal dilemmas faced by staff and families in frontline healthcare. We’ll consider the impact of the setting in which conversations take place, and become aware of our own stance as integral to a good conversation and we’ll practice having difficult conversations with trained actors. This practice will take as its material real cases from the group.

Is this course for me?

This course is aimed at all team members who have difficult conversations with patients, families and colleagues.


GOSH Staff: Free

External learners: £180.00

You can also pay via invoice.

For future dates and to be the first to find out, add your name to the waitlist.

For any queries please do not hesitate to contact: Simulation Team