Your Opinion Matters

At Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), we try to achieve the highest standards in our clinical care and also in the services we provide for children, young people and families. We want to exceed your expectations so we try to improve what we do and how we do it all the time.

You can help us by telling us about your experience at GOSH – we want to hear your comments, compliments, concerns and suggestions. What you and your child experience when you come to GOSH matters to us. We want to provide the best experience possible during what we realise must be a difficult time in your lives.

How we use your information

It is important that we can check that children, young people and families are having a good experience, regardless of any additional need they may have. If you give us the following information, we will use it to check that no group has a better or worse experience than another. It also helps us improve what we do more generally by knowing more about the children and young people who use our services.

Data protection

For more information about how the data you submit will be used please refer to the Trust's privacy policy

Any comments you provide may be used within GOSH to improve the care we provide or promote good practice. When doing so, we will always take the relevant steps to ensure you cannot be identified.
