Meet the Craniofacial team

David Dunaway and Owase Jeelani in theatre

Key members of the Craniofacial Unit include:

Lead clinician

Mr David Dunaway MBChB BDS FDSRCS FRCS (plastic)

Consultant Craniofacial/Plastic Surgeon
Special interests: Fronto-facial distraction, Craniosynostosis, Hemifacial microsomia, Treacher-collins syndrome, Head and neck vascular anomalies and Macroglossia.

Consultant surgeons

Mr Robert Evans BSc BDS MScD FRSFRCS
Consultant Orthodontist
Special interests: Specialist Orthodontic preparation for major midface surgery and post-op tooth realignment

Mr N. U. Owase Jeelani MBA MPhil (medlaw) FRCS
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Special interests: Raised intracranial pressure in craniosynostosis, sagittal synostosis and Springs

Mr Greg James BSc MB BS PhD FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Neuro. Surg)
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Special interests: Craniosynostosis (single-suture and syndromic), intracranial pressure and management of hydrocephalus in craniosynostosis

Consultant Craniofacial and Plastic Surgeon

Dental consultant

Mr Robert Evans BSc BDS MScD FRSFRCS
Consultant Orthodontist

Consultant medics

Dr Lucinda Carr
Consultant Neurologist
Special interest: Neuro-development in syndromic craniosynostosis

Dr Louise Wilson
Consultant Clinical Geneticist
Special interests: Syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis

Miss Michelle Wyatt
Consultant ENT surgeon
Special interest: Airway management in syndromic craniosynostosis


Kemmy Schwiebert
Special interests: Visual development, strabismus and ocular-muscle balance in craniosynostosis


Natasha Rooney
Special interests: Cognitive development in syndromic and non-syndromic synostosis, preparation for surgery and dealing with a facial difference

Clinical nurse specialists

Andrea White RGN RSCN Bsc Child Health
Advance Nurse Practitioner
Special interests: Adolescents and transition to adult services

Kathy Truscott RGN, RSCN
Craniofacial Clinical Nurse Specialist
Special interests: Airway management and wound management

Speech and language therapists

Caroleen Shipster
Senior Speech and Language therapist
Special interests: Cognitive development in syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis and speech difficulties in craniosynostosis related to function and cognition

Nivrithi Behari
Speech, Language and Feeding therapist
Special interests Feeding difficulties in syndromic craniosynostosis

Social Workers

Geraldine Trimmer 
Family Support Worker- Social Services