Contact the Metabolic Medicine department

Information for parents and visitors about contacting the Metabolic medicine department at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Prashanthi Ratnasamy
Medical Secretary

Telephone number: 020 7813 8331
PA to: Dr Paul Gissen and Dr Maureen Clearly

Medical Secretary
Telephone number: 020 7813 8331
PA to: Dr Stephanie Grunewald, Prof Shamima Rahman and Dr Sypros Batzios

Medical Secretary
Tel: 020 7813 8331
PA to: Dr Anupam Chakrapani, Dr Emma Footitt and Nicky Mumford

Medical Secretary
Tel: 020 7813 8331
PA to: and Dr James Davison and Mel McSweeney

Additional contacts

Ward administrator
Kingfisher Ward
Level 3, Octav Botnar Building
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Great Ormond Street
Contact telephone number: 020 7405 9200 ext 5784

Ward administrator
Squirrel Ward
Level 5, VCB
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Great Ormond Street
Contact telephone number: 020 7405 9200 ext 8824


Office administrator
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Great Ormond Street
Contact telephone number: 020 7813 8549 (9:00am-17:00pm)
For urgent questions outside of office hours please call the switchboard on 020 7405 9200

Clinical Nurse Specialists

Mel McSweeney
ANP/Lead Nurse
020 7405 9200 ext 1037

Megan Dorman
Clinical Nurse Specialist, General Metabolic
0207 405 9200 ext 0213

Nicky Mumford
Clinical Nurse Specialist, PKU
020 7405 9200 ext 5769

Laura Lee
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Batten Disease
0207 405 9200 ext 8721

Mathilda Antonini
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Lysosomal Storage Disorders
0207 405 9200 ext 0366

Becky Bower
Nurse Specialist, Lysosomal Storage Disorders
0207 405 9200 ext 0366

Referral Process

As a tertiary care hospital, all children who attend Great Ormond Street Hospital must be referred via local hospital consultants, community paediatricians or, in exceptional circumstances, via a GP.

To contact us to make an NHS referral please write to us at:

Department of Metabolic Medicine
Level 5, Southwood Building
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Great Ormond Street
London WC1N 3JH



Referral Process for Health Professionals

To make an International Private Patient (IPP) referral please email or visit the IPP website.